Product >> RS5 Laser Scanner
RS5 Laser Scanner

The RS5 Laser Scanner is a removable 3D scanner designed for use with the Absolute Arm 7-Axis. It delivers high-speed 3D scanning for surfaces and features on a wide range of finishes and materials without the larger investment demanded by our flagship RS6 Laser Scanner. The RS5 boasts a wide and horizontally-oriented laser scan line and fully-automatic exposure settings, making general purpose scanning functionality simple to apply whatever your application.

RS5 Laser Scanner

Reliable high-quality 3D laser scanning

Scan Line
With mid-range width at 115 millimetres, the laser scan line of the RS5 Laser Scanner makes digitising large surfaces fast and simple.

Light Movement
Designed for lightness and usability, the 400-gram RS5 is a low-weight addition to the Absolute Arm that makes 3D digitisation simple and easy to perform without unnecessary user fatigue.

Configurable Wrist
A key component of the configurable modular wrist of the Absolute Arm 7-Axis, the RS5 Laser Scanner works in harmony with a variety of grip options and touch measurement accessories to deliver unbeatable measurement flexibility.

User Feedback
Through the on-wrist OLED display screen of the Absolute Arm 7-Axis, the RS5 allows for measurement feedback and settings adjustment at the point of measurement for a clear improvement to workflow productivity – scanner profiles can now be selected without having to touch the computer.

ISO Certification
The full scanning system accuracy of the RS5 and Absolute Arm 7-Axis system is supplied certified according to ISO 10360-8 Annex D.

Technological Foundation
Built upon years of portable measuring arm 3D scanner technology, the RS5 Laser Scanner is the latest in a long line of market-leading scanners for articulated measuring arms, going back to the ROMER Scanners that were paired with the ROMER Arm and ROMER Absolute Arm and now beyond.